Ortho-Toluidine, 500mL - Single Unit

Law enforcement has put a more watchful eye on the purchase of chemical products. Ortho-Toluidine has many legitimate purposes but is a closely regulated product by the DEA as it can be used in recreational drug manufacture. In order to expedite your purchase, please fax us a letter of intended usage with the following information included:

1. dated
2. a description of your intended usage
3. your printed name
4. your signature

Company letterhead is preferred but not absolutely necessary. If no letter certifying the intended usage is included your order will be delayed and/or cancelled. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Requires a Poison Pack & Hazard tag when shipping. Please note that UPS requires the Poison Pack which adds $16.00 and $27.50 Hazard charge per package plus normal shipping charges. If you require Air service for expedited shipping the fee is $62 (not $35) plus the Poison Pack and regular Air shipping charges.

SKU PAS-C-5852-0500-01-P
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