Post Apple Scientific, Inc. HydrometersMcAfee Secure sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams

Hydrometer, Specific Gravity
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $14.74 $14.00
Buy 10 hydrometers and save!
Bellwether, Standard Temperature: 60 degrees F.
Length: 330mm
Specific Gravity and Subdivisions:
0.600-0.670, 0.005
0.640-0.710, 0.005
0.700-0.770, 0.005
0.760-0.830, 0.005
0.820-0.890, 0.005
0.880-0.950, 0.005
0.940-1.010, 0.005
1.000-1.070, 0.005
1.060-1.130, 0.005
1.120-1.190, 0.005
1.180-1.250, 0.005
1.240-1.310, 0.005
1.300-1.370, 0.005
1.360-1.430, 0.005
1.420-1.490, 0.005
To select a specific gravity/baume, add the product to your cart and use the drop box to select the item you desire.
Hydrometer, Specific Gravity
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $16.18 $15.37
Buy 10 hydrometers and save!
Bellwether, Standard Temperature: 60 degrees F.
Length: 330mm
Specific Gravity:
1.480-1.550, 0.005
1.540-1.610, 0.005
1.600-1.670, 0.005
1.660-1.730, 0.005
1.720-1.790, 0.005
1.780-1.850, 0.005
1.840-1.920, 0.005
To select a specific gravity/baume, add the product to your cart and use the drop box to select the item you desire.
Hydrometer, Specific Gravity
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $11.86 $11.26
Buy 10 hydrometers and save!
Bellwether, Standard Temperature: 60 degrees F.
Length: 330mm
Specific Gravity and Subdivisions:
1.000-1.220, 0.002
1.200-1.420, 0.002
1.400-1.620, 0.002
1.600-1.820, 0.002
1.800-2.020, 0.002
1.000-1.600, 0.005
To select a specific gravity/baume, add the product to your cart and use the drop box to select the item you desire.
Hydrometer, Specific Gravity
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $10.00 $9.50
Buy 10 hydrometers and save!
Bellwether, Standard Temperature: 60 degrees F.
Length: 330mm
Specific Gravity and Subdivisions:
1.000-2.000, 0.010
To select a specific gravity/baume, add the product to your cart and use the drop box to select the item you desire.

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