PAS Wash Bottles, LDPE, Driplok Solvent Venting

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Wide mouth for easy filling
Eliminates unwanted jets of solvent
Eliminates solvent dripping
Dispenses solvents efficiently

These LDPE Driplok Wash Bottles feature the only venting system that dispenses solvent as efficiently as a standard wash bottle. This venting system consists of a valve specifically designed to allow volatile solvent vapors to escape, but seals completely when in use to dispense a powerful, spatter-free jet of solvent. These easy to fill bottles are available labeled with hazard information, or blank with write on areas so that you can customize the bottle to suit your particular needs.

  -0001 -0002 -0004 -0005 -0006
Capacity mL 250 250 250 250 250
Height mm 145 145 145 145 145
Diameter mm 60 60 60 60 60
Printed Acetone Ethanol Isopropanol Methanol Set of all 250mL

  -0001 -0002 -0004 -0005 -0006
Capacity mL 500 500 500 500 500
Height mm 165 165 165 165 165
Diameter mm 75 75 75 75 75
Printed Acetone Ethanol Isopropanol Methanol Set of all 500mL

  -0001 -0002
Capacity mL 250 500
Height mm 145 165
Diameter mm 60 75
Printed Write-On Label Write-On Label
LDPE Printed Solvent Venting Wash Bottles, Methanol, 500mL - Single Unit
Quantity   1 - 4     5+  
Price $8.80 $6.40
Buy 5 wash bottles and save!
LDPE Custom Solvent Venting Bottles, Write-On Label, 250mL - Single Unit
Quantity   1 - 4     5+  
Price $9.19 $6.79
Buy 5 wash bottles and save!
LDPE Custom Solvent Venting Bottles, Write-On Label, 500mL - Single Unit
Quantity   1 - 4     5+  
Price $9.31 $6.81
Buy 5 wash bottles and save!

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